May 7th, 2018
I've decided to write a short series on at-home solutions for common orthodontic problems, and today I'm starting with the most common - the poking wire! Sometimes wires can shift inside the mouth for various reasons, and often this results in discomfort if the end of the wire can catch the lips or cheeks.
First, let's talk about why wires might start to shift after your appointment. A common reason is space closure. When space closes between your teeth, the wire that supported them may be too long for the new position of your teeth. This is very normal and to be expected. Sometimes it's minor and doesn't result in discomfort, but in other cases, the space closure is substantial and the wire may poke. Another common reason is improved alignment of the teeth. As the teeth (and thus the brackets) get straighter, the wire can slide more passively within the brackets and may shift to one side or the other. Another common cause of poking wires is breaking or bending. Wires can be broken or bent by chewing on foods that are a little too hard, or using hands and fingers to manipulate the wires.
No matter how your wire has gotten out of place, the solution is usually the same! First, we suggest using the strips of wax that we gave you when you started treatment with your braces. If you've run out, you're always welcome to visit the office to receive more. You can also normally find orthodontic wax in most drug stores. Take a small piece of the wax and warm it between your fingers before "smashing" it onto the sharp end of the wire. If you find that this is ineffective or you desire a more permanent solution, you may use a small wire clipper (or as is more commonly found in homes, a pair of nail clippers) to cut the end of the wire shorter. Don't worry about ruining the wire - it can be repaired at your next visit!
We always work hard to provide you with useful solutions that help you avoid extra trips to the office, but if these fixes don't work for you, you are always welcome to schedule a quick appointment and get our help to take care of the issue! Your comfort is our top priority!
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Hilliard OH, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, Dublin OH, Columbus OH, columbus, dental health
Posted in Braces Tips | No Comments
April 30th, 2018

If you had an experience like ours with braces in the 90's, it's not unlikely that you were one of many lucky kids who got to enjoy wearing a headgear! Today, as you anticipate bringing your children to visit the orthodontist, you might be a little bit wary, wondering if they'll have to deal with the same hassles that you did. While many things are the same, the good news is that there have also been many advances in treatment - namely in the form of new appliances that can make treatment more successful, faster, and even more comfortable for patients.
Today, we want to introduce you to the Forsus appliance. The purpose of a Forsus appliance is to improve "overjet." (Overjet is when the upper front teeth are too far ahead of the lower front teeth. Many people also think of this as "overbite.") It can be used for the same purpose as a headgear, but it has several advantages.
- The appliance doesn't have to be placed and removed by the patient, so it eliminates the need to rely on our patient to remember and be compliant with wearing it.
- Unlike a headgear, a Forsus appliance can be used in both children AND adults!
- Most people won't even realize that you're wearing a Forsus. It sits near the back of the mouth and often can't even be seen on smiling! This is advantageous because the Forsus can be worn 24 hours a day (in order to be most effective) without being removed for special events, etc.
- The Forsus relies on gentle pressure, not a heavy force to move the teeth. This means that it can be far more comfortable than some appliances of the past.
- The Forsus appliance can accomplish many of the same goals as rubber bands. It doesn't eliminate the need to wear rubber bands altogether, but it can provide additional benefits that exceed the power of the rubber bands alone!
Lots of patients are surprised when the learn about the advantages of the Forsus appliance, and many even tell us that they prefer wearing these springs when compared to rubber bands. Please feel free to take advantage of our complimentary consultation process to learn whether a Forsus appliance might help you reach your treatment goals!
April 23rd, 2018
It has become common practice to use the word "Invisalign" when referring all clear aligner treatment, but what many patients don't realize is that there are lots of companies who create clear aligners or the tools to make them, and they each have their own advantages and disadvantages. As orthodontic specialists, we are pleased and proud to be able to offer a wide variety of these options so that we can best customize your treatment experience.
Today we want to share with you some information about a treatment option provided by a company called Orchestrate 3D. Orchestrate offers tremendous flexibility which means that treatment with aligners can be within reach at a vast range of price points and timelines. Many other companies have "minimum" price levels or entry points that make treatment cost-prohibitive for patients who need minimal intervention. Sometimes for these patients, the perceived value of a minor touch-up isn't worth making a large investment. Now, by using the services of a company like Orchestrate, we can provide service at a price that matches the value.
Another advantage we get to enjoy with Orchestrate is maximum flexibility in treatment planning. As the doctors, we customize the movements that the teeth will go through and the speed at which they will move ourselves instead of delegating this part of the process to a technician as is the case with other competing aligner companies. Since this is the case, we can use our experience and expertise to predict how and where each tooth needs to move and what attachments need to be placed in order to achieve the best results possible.
Finally, we're excited for what the future holds with a company like Orchestrate. We hope to upgrade our in-office technology at some point to include a 3D printer. These printers allow us to make models of the predicted movements of the teeth right there in the office on the SAME day that the digital impression is made! What does this mean to you? It means that instead of waiting days or weeks for your aligners to be fabricated and shipped back to us, your treatment could potentially begin almost immediately. As we all know, once you've committed to making a change, sometimes you simply can't wait to get the ball rolling!
As I've mentioned, we're so excited to be able to offer Orchestrate treatment as well as many many other options to customize your personal plan. Call our office or visit our website to learn more - we would be happy to see you for a complimentary consultation to help you learn what options might work best for you!
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Hilliard OH, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, Dublin OH, Columbus OH
Posted in About Our Office, Treatment Options | No Comments
April 16th, 2018

When it comes to taking good care of your braces, one of the key factors is making great choices when choosing foods to eat! There are a few factors to consider when you're choosing braces-friendly foods. We don't "forbid" very many foods as they did in the past, but we recommend using common sense, a gentle bite, and great hygiene in order to continue to enjoy most of the foods you love. In many cases, simple substitutions can make a poor choice into a good one! Here are the primary factors to consider when selecting foods to eat with braces.
- Comfort! When you first have your braces placed or adjusted and for the day or two following these visits, your teeth will be a little bit more tender than usual. We suggest choosing foods that are easy to chew but that require you to use your teeth nonetheless. Using your teeth for gentle chewing helps to increase the blood flow around the root of the tooth and will speed up the process of alleviating that soreness! In other words, instead of limiting yourself to nothing but smoothies and ice cream for three days (which does sound delicious), you should also choose some foods like bananas, steamed veggies, or omelets.
- Gentleness! What we mean by this is that the foods you choose should be gentle on your braces. We often remind patients that the braces are meant to come off some day, and eating hard, crunchy foods that require you to apply a lot of force to your teeth can loosen the braces early. Examples of foods that could easily cause braces to come loose would include things like chewy/stale pizza crust or bagels that require tearing with your teeth, whole raw nuts like almonds, and raw vegetables like carrots. As we mentioned, however, this doesn't mean that your favorite foods are off limits, but rather that you must change how you eat them. Try tearing off tiny pieces of that bagel and chewing it gently on your back teeth. Instead of whole raw almonds, try slivered almonds. And instead of raw carrots, try shredded or steamed carrots. Easy!
- Hygiene! Whether you're wearing braces or not, it pays to avoid eating too many sugary foods - especially if those foods are sticky and tend to get stuck in the nooks and crannies around braces. Things like chewy candies can linger around your braces and be very difficult to clean off. These can lead to white spot lesions or even cavities. In addition, it's a good idea to limit sugary beverages like Gatorade and soda. This is especially true if you tend to sip your beverages over the course of several hours. Generally, if you are going to have a sugary drink, it's wise to drink it with a meal, limit the duration of exposure, and rinse with water immediately after. Then brush at your next opportunity in order to remove traces of the sugar.
If you follow these simple instructions, you should have great success with the comfort, function, and cleanliness of your braces without making any major changes to your lifestyle or missing out on your favorite foods! As always, please visit our website for more information. You can find us at Happy eating, friends!
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Hilliard OH, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, Dublin OH, Columbus OH, dental health, braces friendly foods
Posted in Braces Tips | No Comments