September 4th, 2018

With Labor Day ever so slightly in the rear view mirror, it's time to start thinking about fall, right? Pumpkin Spice and soups and stews? Ok, maybe it's still a little bit warm, but we can plan ahead!
Fortunately lots of delicious fall foods go great with braces. Soups and stews are some of our favorites to recommend for those first few days after braces have been adjusted. And can you ever really have too much soup when the weather turns cool??
Here's a link to one of our favorites, Ina Garten's 16 Bean Pasta e Fagioli!
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Hilliard OH, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, Dublin OH, Columbus OH, hilliard, dublin, columbus, braces friendly foods
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August 20th, 2018
Today, I simply want to thank each and every one of you - patients, parents, referring dentists, for a wonderful summer! It's hard to believe that schools are in session this week (or even last week as in a few cases!) and we'll soon be discussing pumpkin spice lattes and then gingerbread men. It's strange to notice the sun rising a little later and setting a little earlier. It's more typical these days to hear people talking about the vacations they took instead of the ones they're planning. The end of summer can be a little sad, but I've always loved the feeling of getting a fresh start when fall rolls around!
This year, we are celebrating the completion of our first full summer in the new office, and we're celebrating the upcoming beginning of our second year. It seems appropriate that we opened our office in September because the beginning of the school year always seems like a great time for a fresh start. This coming year we're looking forward to being even better than we were last year. We hope to continue to improve our level of service every day, and we'll keep working hard to make you happy!
We're sending you our best wishes for a happy, healthy, and productive school year! Thanks for a great summer, Hilliard!
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, hilliard, columbus, hilliard ohio, dublin ohio, columbus ohio
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August 13th, 2018
By the time your child is about 6 years old, they will likely start to lose some baby teeth and begin to get new permanent teeth erupting. At this time, it's wise to start paying closer attention to how they bite in order to identify developing orthodontic problems.
This week's AAO article discusses what to look for in the developing dentition especially the inability to bite all the way together or difficulty chewing.
Check it out to learn more! AAO Guide to What to Look For
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Hilliard OH, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, Dublin OH, Columbus OH, hilliard, columbus
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August 6th, 2018
We're excited to be participating again this year in the Taste of Hilliard event at the Makoy Center on August 8th! Last year, the Taste of Hilliard was the first ever community event that we participated in before opening our office in September, and it continues to hold a special place in our hearts!
We loved meeting members of the community - hearing stories from parents about their own experiences with braces and meeting little ones with eyes wide as they checked out our orthodontic treatment models and started proactively choosing what colors they would choose on their own braces.
We'll be ready for the crowd again this year, with coupons and giveaways, and one lucky raffle winner will receive a WaterPik, perfect for keeping braces clean!
The Taste of Hilliard will be held from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on August 8th at the Makoy Center 5462 Center Street, Hilliard, OH 43026. For $15, you can plan to come hungry and enjoy TONS of amazing food from some of Hilliard's finest restaurants. See you there!!
Tags: Scioto Orthodontics, Dr. Bethany Crawford, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, Hilliard OH, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, invisalign, Dublin OH, Columbus OH, hilliard, columbus, dental health
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